It reads; "8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."
The good news is that Jesus is real! Jesus conquered death and so we could share in that life! Jesus is alive! Jesus can heal any hurt, free any bondage. Jesus said; "Repent". What did he mean by that? There are things we all do in our lives that are wrong. God, in all his love and compassion, provided a way for all the wrong we do and have done to be forgiven. He provided a way for those bound with addictions and sorrows to be set free. The best part about it all is it is free. Repent means if you are going one direction in life that is leading you down a path that takes away from God, to turn and stop doing those things and walk towards God and follow His ways. All we have to do is ask Him to help us! Ask Him to make himself known. When we ask Him he can change us permanently. Is life still life? Sure it is. Do we become perfect. No we don't. But it is wonderful to know Him and see a life changed by Him. That is the good news! here is the front of Good News!

I had a friend of mine that is a graphic artist do the design. After he emailed the design to me I took it to a local sign shop that a friend of mine owns. They cut out the lettering in Red vinyl. We cleaned the glass and they applied the letters on the inside of the glass. Then they cover the lettering with white vinyl for the white background. It turned out great.
Here is a pic of the back:

After installing the Good News logo we finished our furring strips.
After the furring strips were done we went ahead and starting framing up the back wall where the master bed room will be.
First I laid the bottom plate and the a vertical stud on the passengers side.

And a vertical stud on the drivers side.

Now came the tricky part of putting up a top plate against the arched roof.
We had purchased some wood strips that we thought may just bend into place but it do not work out that easily. I put a center piece in first then the passengers side and the drivers side.

Now the rear wall is almost done. More tomorrow!
Good Night!

How did you attach the strips to the roof without screwing through the roof?
There is a gap between the ceiling and the roof.
Is there a solid piece in the roof that it is screwed to or just into the metal? Thanks!!!
@dman3512 There is solid steel ribbing in the roof along with heavy gauge metal.
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